About Me
About Me
My name is Sally Kathleen Graham.
Artist – Streamer – Researcher
In March of 2022, I completed my Master of Arts degree in Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture in Düsseldorf at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität with an average grade of 1.3.
My research focus shifted to the radio dramas of Samuel Beckett and his use of music. I approached this topic interdisciplinary as Beckett’s works, in general, seem to cater to different media formats and the dissolution of their specific standards.
Master Thesis:
Between Script and Sound: Music and the Disrupted Narrative in Samuel Beckett’s Plays
The Deutsch-Britische-Gesellschaft in Düsseldorf honoured my thesis with the prize for the best MA thesis at the English Institute in 2021/2022.
In May 2019 I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main with an average grade of 1.6.
I majored in English Studies, with my minor being American Studies. My research focus was literature and cultural studies in especially the (Neo-)Victorian area. Further aspects of my research were aspects of sexuality and gender, as well as the Gothic.
Bachelor Thesis:
The Sherlockian Popularity: The City, Women and Sexual Identity in Adaptations of The Hound of the Baskervilles
While in Frankfurt, I also founded and managed a Discussion Club in the English Department to increase fellow students’ confidence in their spoken English. The discussion topics were all decided upon within the group and prepared before each session, this included sending a variety of (news) articles and videos for participants to prepare. In sessions, the participants would be split into smaller groups to discuss a set of questions, this encouraged the quieter participants to be active in the discussion. Later the same questions would be set to the entire group to give the opportunity to speak in front of more people. We encouraged participants to also think of arguments that did not align with their own opinion, which gave them a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of their arguments.
In my free time, I am politically active and volunteer at a regional welfare organization.
Research Interests
Authors: Samuel Beckett
Genre: Gothic
Time Periods: Victorian
Further: Music, Interdisciplinary Works, Modernism
Microsoft: Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Teams
Languages: German & English as a native speaker
Programmes: WordPress, Clipstudio Paint, OBS, WebEx
Certificates: Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL)
Academia: Literature & media research, academic writing, etc
Soft Skills: Curiosity, Team-Work, Team leading, Communicative